May 8, 2022
Acts 9:34-34
Our fixed structures often lead to paralysis and death for those on the margins or lower rungs of the social ladder. But the One who ordered the chaos of creation, was worshiped in a manger, and carried a cross telling fishermen to drop their nets, and the ill and dead to get up.
In Aeneas’ healing and Tabitha’s rising these social systems have been rendered null and void.
And church, we bear witness to this. We are witnesses to how Jesus Christ has overcome the power of Sin and Death. In the empty tomb, leaving his burial clothes behind, Jesus tells the world no more with we be separated from God or one another.
It is not that the last shall be first; they are.
It is not that the dead shall live; when we were dead to our Sin Jesus offers us new life.
In Christ no one stays in their place: fishermen will preach, the paralyzed walk, and the dead live again.
From death in Sin to new life through Grace.
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