Brewing Theology
Brewing Theology With Teer
People on the Move | Setting Down, July 11, 2021

People on the Move | Setting Down, July 11, 2021

2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19

Israel's story in 1 and 2 Samuel is one of change. The cycle of the story in 1 and 2 Samuel from Israel's defeat and loss of the Ark to the Philistines defeat and Israel's reclaiming of the Ark does not bring to reader, it did not bring Israel back to the original starting point. The story may have pushed Israel into a new physical location with a new King legitimized buy by the move but God, who had been with them - delivering them from captivity, bringing them all the way to the City of David - that God was steady, unwavering, and faithful.

Change was inevitable for the people of God then and is inevitable for the people of God today. We may change how we gather, where we gather, and then change it all again, but what we give witness to and proclaim does not change - Christ resurrected and reigning. We may dance and sing, we may play the organ, riff on a guitar, or bang on a cowbell and God remains God. God remains with us by the love of God our Creator, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Back to Uzzah for a second. I know that it sounds like Uzzah was trying to help and he was. There are many thoughts on why he was struck down – he was too close to God’s holiness, or it was an issue of purity, meaning he was not ritually clean for the procession to Jerusalem, he was not ritually prepared to come before the presence of God.

For us, we believe that God’s power and presence was nurtured in the ark of Mary’s womb, God in Jesus Christ who suffered for us rather than striking us down. As we move closer to exiting this pandemic the power of Jesus Christ is with us in our songs, prayers, and yes, even in our dancing – of celebration and even lament. With us in the same way Christ was with the saints before us and will be with the saints that are yet to come.

Brewing Theology
Brewing Theology With Teer
Sermons from and by Teer Hardy
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Teer Hardy