Great teaching and writing, Teer. It’s as if nobody has heard of Barabbas… shew, the construct-mini-god of hate and fear and violence. Nobody talked about him when I was in Sunday School. I really have found some people who proclaim “Jesus” are blindly placing Barabbas in His spot. Loving people unconditionally is radical, not beating them and manipulating into all-or-nothing submission. Thank you for writing what needs to be heard in a time where we do need the pure light of truth, grace, and freedom from the One True Jesus the Christ, not the twitching, flashy, fleeting fluoresce of once-called Jesus Barabbas in whatever polyester suit he chooses for the crowd. May we all be so prayerfully discerning and cautious with whom -or what- we let influence our minds about what being a follower of Christ really means.

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It’s so incredible well written . We really live in dangerous times ans we need to speak up!

I was in tears after finishing reading. Thank you so much.

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